Dr. Copsidas news
21 April 2011
With great pleasure, I would like to announce the publication of my new book on applied operative...
25 January 2010
With pleasure we announce the organization of the 1st Training Seminar in Operative Obstetrics, i...
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Welcome to the site of Evangelos Copsidas, M.D.
Doctor Evangelos Copsidas M.D., is a specialist in the fields of Gynecological Oncology, Gynecological Urology and Endocrinology. He has a special interest in urogenital fistulae. As an obstetrician, he has dealt particularly with operative obstetrics giving the opportunity of a vaginal delivery under adverse obstetrical conditions. Currently, he is responsible for training new gynecologists in the management of difficult labour and is active in the field of continuous medical education.
Dr. Copsidas is writing:
Labour: What's Real And What's Not
Ο τοκετός κατά τα άλλα, μία απολύτως φυσιολογική λειτουργία, τα τελευταία χρόνια έχει γίνει εστία συγκεντρώσεως ποικίλων μύθων. Οι ανακρίβειες οι οποίες μεταδίδονται ευρέως και δυστυχώς πολλές φορές όχι μόνο από άγνοια, αλλά και από ιδιοτέλεια, αποτελούν μάστιγα η οποία επιβαρύνει την υγεία...
Monitoring Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a normal situation, but can easily be diverted to a pathological condition, which can be risky for the lives of both mother and fetus. This is why medical follow-up is essential. Labor outcome depends on the co-operation of the patient with her obstetrician and other healthcare professionals. Diet and lifestyle are most important factors for her well-being as well as the satisfactory outcome of her pregnancy. Many times the obstetrician may become unpleasant as the requirements he demands may alter her way of life. Nevertheless, a prudent woman will apply in full all advice given to her.
Operative Obstetrics

Natural labor or caesarian section: Advantages and disadvantages of each method. When should each method be implemented and why? What kind of anesthesia should be used during labor and what are the benefits of each, for both the mother and the fetus? All the answers to these important issues concerning the total expression of female existence: Birth.